What is Pro-Growth?

Pro-Growth describes our grassroots movement to support the 1,500 female advisors we have at MassMutual while creating a more inclusive environment that attracts new advisors and leaders.

These statistics from GAMA International* show why it’s time to move the needle:

  • By 2020, two-thirds of consumer wealth in the U.S. will be controlled by women.
  • Women control 50 percent of all private wealth.
  • The number of women-owned businesses is growing at 1.5 times the national average.
  • 87 percent of women want to work with a financial advisor, yet only 17 percent do.

Research also shows that women tend to excel at many of the skills this industry requires, such as building networks, fact-finding, listening, and showing empathy.**

This place is real. It’s our firm, right now. Our experience in helping women expand their practices has taught us a thing or two regarding what it takes to help elevate a business. For some it’s marketing support, for others it’s strategic business planning, advanced sales techniques, and having subject matter expertise at your fingertips. For just about everyone, it’s freedom and access to superior products, cutting edge technology, and marketplace differentiators like business planning tools and other specialty offerings.

It’s time to shelve the “it can’t be done” mentality. We strive to integrate innovation, collaboration and inclusion at levels. And we can’t wait to see the impact you will make with our support. On your terms.

When we say we are committed to creating an environment where women business owners can thrive, we mean it.

In other companies and at other times, commitments such this would have been made at the corporate level and played out from the ‘top down.’ We are so serious about our commitment that we have engaged at a ‘grass roots level’ to determine how we can create a better place for women to realize their vision for their business. In true entrepreneurial spirit, we have reached out to the field to partner together in this endeavor.

  • Women’s advisory boards: We have created committees consisting of women in the field to learn what works for women business owners, and where we have opportunities to grow. These boards allow us to
  • honor several important values for us, including having a voice, and making a difference. It also honors our value of innovation, the capacity to look beyond “the way it has been,” to “imagining what could be possible.”
  • Connecting women advisors with their peers provides opportunities for mentorship and also builds community and strength. It allows for shared experience and shared growth.
  • Success attracts success. We know that the more we cultivate and nurture women business owners and their practices, the more women will want to come to join us.
  • Inclusive culture. The idea of creating an inclusive culture has challenged us to examine mindsets and behaviors, and to embrace change where necessary. Local leaders are addressing management blind spots and addressing misconceptions about what women want and need. We are committed to expanding support for women and their practices at the local level by providing access to female role models and creating other supportive structures.
  • Teaming. We believe that teams that demonstrate gender, tenure and generational diversity speak to our strengths, and provide fertile ground for women to thrive in our organization. Teaming is by its very nature collaborative.

For more information contact:

Kelly Sese, Director of Recruiting

ksese@financialguide.com l (480) 538-2932



*GAMA, General Agents and Managers Association, Foundation for Education and Research, 2015.

**Recruiting Women to the Advisor Career, vii, Falls Church, VA: GAMA Foundation for Education and Research.

Local firms are sales offices of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), and are not subsidiaries of MassMutual or its affiliated companies. Agency officers are not officers of MassMutual. Financial services representatives are independent contractors and are not employees of MassMutual, its subsidiaries, or of general agents with whom they contract.